Ambassador Program
Protecting Retirement. Promoting Public Service.
Colorado PERA’s Ambassador Program engages members in the retirement security conversation by sharing the value of PERA to all of Colorado. The program promotes public service and protecting retirement for current and future Colorado public employees.
We need your help to support retirement security, share ideas, participate in retirement discussions, and take action to ensure Colorado’s retirement is world-class. Sign up for the Ambassador Program below to help promote and protect a retirement worth fighting for.

Sign up below and you will be notified via email when your help is needed to protect our retirement. Opt out at any time.
Colorado PERA’s Economic and Fiscal Impacts, prepared by Pacey Economics Inc., details how $4.35 billion in retirement distributions to more than 110,000 Colorado retirees in 2021 resulted in $6.8 billion in total economic output and supported 31,449 jobs statewide. In addition, $382.2 million was paid in Colorado state and local taxes on these PERA benefits.
Each year, PERA releases its Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, sharing with our stakeholders that Colorado’s retirement is comprehensive and secure. View the summary version of the report, the Popular Annual Financial Report, and the Financial Snapshot infographic, providing highlights from the report.
Meet Colorado's Future Retirees
Colorado PERA serves more than 660,000 members and retirees.