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Board of Trustees

The PERA Board of Trustees is responsible for administering benefits and overseeing PERA operations and management. The Board does not set contribution rates or benefit amounts; only the state Legislature can do so. The Board's responsibilities include:

  • Setting rules and policy for PERA administration
  • Establishing organizational priorities and strategies
  • Overseeing PERA’s investment program

The Board is made up of 16 Trustees, 12 of whom are directly elected by PERA members and retirees. As fiduciaries, the Board has a responsibility to act in the best interests of PERA members. Elected Trustees serve on a volunteer basis and are paid only for necessary expenses.

Learn more about the Trustees.

Want to get in touch with the Board? Email the Trustees or see the "Public Comment" section below to speak at an upcoming Board meeting.

Upcoming Board Meetings

  • September 18-20, 2024, Planning Session (off-site)
  • November (14) 15, 2024
2024 Board and Committee Meetings

Recent Board Meeting

Public Comment 

To offer public comment during a PERA Board meeting, a phone line is available to accept calls 30 minutes prior to public comment and it will close immediately after public comment has ended. Please follow the instructions below to offer public comment during a PERA Board meeting:

  • Register prior to the meeting by emailing Brenda Meidl at
  • Call 855-721-0566 to be placed in the queue in the order in which you call in.
  • To be considered for public comment, you must call in 15 minutes prior to start of the meeting. 
  • Provide your name and the topic on which you want to comment to PERA staff once you are in the queue.
  • Please wait for the Chair’s cue to speak; you will be limited to a maximum of three minutes.
  • Your call will be disconnected when the public comment agenda item is completed.

PERA reserves the right to terminate your call if your comments are disruptive to the meeting.

Board Committees 
2024 Board and Committee MeetingsCommittee Assignments

Audit Committee

Reviews PERA’s internal controls related to financial and accounting reporting systems, provides oversight for the ethical conduct of the Board and PERA staff, and assists the Board in fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities. This committee is made up of no fewer than five Board members as well as two outside members who are independent of any relationship with PERA.

Benefits Committee

Oversees PERA’s benefit programs and has no fewer than six Board members.

Compensation and Budget Committee

Submits a budget that implements the organization’s policies and priorities, recommends changes to the Total Compensation Philosophy statement, recommends compensation levels for the Executive Director, and sets the education budget provided for Trustees’ education. This committee has no fewer than five members.

Governance Committee

Assists the Board with instituting governance policies and practices, including review of the Governance Manual and recommendation of updates to the Board and facilitating the performance evaluations of the Executive Director and the Board.   The Governance Committee includes the Board Chair, Vice Chair, and the chairs of all standing Board Committees.

Executive Committee

Includes the Board Chair and Vice Chair (plus the Executive Director) and oversees effective management of Board and committee meetings.

Investment Committee

Provides oversight of PERA investments and directs PERA management on implementation of investment policy and procedures related to the fund’s rights and responsibilities as an investor in many public corporations. This committee has no fewer than six Board members.

Board Election 

In May, Colorado PERA held an election for the following three seats on the Board of Trustees:

  • State Division—4-year term (to be filled by an active member, currently employed with a non-Higher Education employer in the State Division)
  • State Division—2-year term (to be filled by an active member, currently employed at an Institution of Higher Education)
  • School Division—4-year term (to be filled by an active member, currently employed in the School Division)

Learn about the Board Election results at Colorado PERA Announces Results of 2024 Board of Trustees Election.

Serving as a PERA Trustee fact sheet


Board Governance and Policies 

The Board believes that a sound governance framework is essential in order to exercise its fiduciary duty. Its Governance Manual and the other documents linked below outline the Board's roles, responsibilities, priorities, policies, and perspectives.

Governance ManualStrategic PlanColorado PERA Defined Benefit Pension Plan Funding PolicyColorado PERA Defined Benefit OPEB Plan Funding PolicyColorado PERA Statement of Investment PolicyStatement on DivestmentSecurities Litigation Policy
Board Meeting Minutes Archive 

Board meeting minutes from previous years are available upon request to

2024 Board Meetings

March 15, 2024February 26, 2024January 19, 2024

2023 Board Meetings

November 17, 2023September 22, 2023September 21, 2023September 20, 2023