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Angela Kingston Connelly

School Division Candidate (4-Year Term)

Mapleton Public Schools

Angela Kingston Connelly is a Teacher in Mapleton Public Schools.

Education/Special Courses/Certifications

BA, Humanities, K-6 Elementary Education, University of Colorado Boulder, 1999

MA, Curriculum & Instruction: Literacy, University of Colorado Boulder, 2002

MA, Early Childhood Special Education, University of Northern Colorado, 2012

CLDE Certificate, University of Colorado Denver, 2021

Employment History

Mapleton Public Schools, 1999-Present:

  • President, MEA, 2023-Present
  • Bilingual Early Childhood Special Education Teacher, Trailside Academy, 2018-Present
  • Bilingual Early Childhood Special Education Teacher, Monterey Community School, 2015-2018
  • K-8 Intervention/RTI Coordinator, Monterey Community School, 2013-2015
  • Bilingual Early Childhood Special Education Teacher, Mapleton Early Learning Center & Adventure Elementary, 2007-2013
  • 2nd grade Teacher, Monterey Community School, 2006-2007
  • Bilingual Kindergarten Teacher, Monterey Community School, 1999-2006

Organizational Affiliations/Achievements

Member, Mapleton Education Association:

  • President, 2023-Present
  • AR, Secretary, Vice President, 2010-2022
  • Representative for Sick Bank Board, Benefits Committee, Negotiations Team, Educator Effectiveness Committee, 2014-Present

Member, Colorado Education Association:

  • Adams County Working Together Task Force, 2023-​​Present
  • School Choice Task Force, 2023-Present
  • Taking the Lead in Legislation Task Force Member, 2023-Present
  • NEA Year-Round Organizer, 2023-Present


Interest in Serving as a PERA Trustee

As a PERA trustee, I plan to preserve and strengthen PERA for all public employee participants, specifically education providers from the school section. I will collaborate with elected officials and fellow PERA trustees to provide a sustainable, fiscally responsible, and comprehensive program that honors the work and dedication that public employees give during their career. I believe having an active teacher present at the table in this role is critical to the success of PERA for current members as well as future members. I would be honored to represent the school division employees on the PERA Board of Trustees.

Challenges/Opportunities Facing PERA

I have observed the Colorado Legislature, CEA, Secure PERA and PERA officials grapple with how to sustain and maximize the PERA program to best meet the needs of current and future beneficiaries despite and due to varying economic and legislative hurdles. It is imperative that PERA trustees are actively involved in learning what has worked well for PERA beneficiaries, what areas of PERA still need refinement and seize the opportunity to best meet these needs through conversations, town halls and roundtables with all stakeholders. I believe actively educating PERA participants on how and why to plan effectively for their future retirement is critical. Trustees are perfect advocates and can maximize their impact by learning directly from PERA participants. Because there are multiple stakeholders that PERA answers to, finding a balance and system that honors most interests is key to the Board’s success.

Role of a Trustee

I consider the role of a Trustee on the PERA Board to be an objective listener, collaborator, educator, and champion who is dedicated to preserving, refining, and expanding PERA on behalf of all public employees. The Trustee must be prepared to face tough decisions, celebrate successes, actively engage with the challenges, and remain solution oriented. They must also be transparent and humble and accept feedback from all stakeholders and be ready to pivot based on current and potential factors as they arise. It might not be the most glamorous role but is an essential role!