Benefit Information Webinar Resources
Download the presentation:
Benefit Information Meeting PresentationSlide 1: Benefit Information Meeting
Slide 2: What Will Be Covered
Slide 3: Plan Comparison
Slide 4: Contribution Distribution
Slide 5: Basis of Defined Benefit
Slide 6: Highest Average Salary (HAS)
Slide 7: 5-Year HAS Calculation - 8% Cap
Slide 8: 5-Year HAS Calculation - 8% Cap Cont.
Slide 9: Age and Earned Service Credit
Slide 10: Purchasing Service Credit
Slide 11: Helpful PERA Calculators
Slide 12: Benefit Options
Slide 13: HAS Tables
Slide 14: Refunding
Slide 15: Built-in Benefits
Slide 16: Survivor Benefits
Slide 17: PERA Disability Program
Slide 18: Voluntary Programs
Slide 19: PERAPlus 401(k) and 457
Slide 20: Life Insurance
Slide 21: After Retirement
Slide 22: Social Security
Slide 23: PERACare
Slide 24: Action Steps
Slide 25: Contact Colorado PERA
- Customer Service # 800-759-7372
- Website:
Slide 26: Survey