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Colorado PERA Announces Results of 2024 Board of Trustees Election

June 21, 2024

The Colorado PERA Board of Trustees today announced that two new Trustees have been elected and one Trustee has been reelected to serve on the PERA Board:

  • Nathan Geroche was reelected by School Division members
  • Lisa Landis was elected by State Division members for the Higher Education seat
  • Scott Simon was elected by State Division members for the Non-Higher Education seat

Geroche, a science teacher in the Boulder Valley School District, has been on the Board since 2020. He will serve a four-year term.

Landis, the Associate Vice President of Employee Services for the University of Colorado, fills a seat vacated by Ramon Alvarado. Landis will serve for the remaining two years in that seat’s term.

Simon, who is the Chief Investment Officer for the Fire and Police Pension Association of Colorado, fills a seat currently held by Tracy Marie Rushing. He will serve a four-year term.

In addition to the above election results, Amy Grant was the sole candidate for the Denver Public Schools (DPS) Division seat and was reappointed in March 2024. She will also serve a four-year term.

Elected Trustees will begin their terms on July 1.

By State law, the Colorado General Assembly sets contribution rates and benefit levels and the PERA Board of Trustees has oversight of investments and benefit administration. The Board is composed of 16 Trustees, 11 of whom are elected by the PERA membership, three Governor-appointed Trustees, a non-voting ex officio member elected by the membership from the Denver Public Schools Division, and the State Treasurer who serves as an ex officio voting member of the Board. More information on the Board of Trustees may be found on the PERA website

Colorado PERA provides retirement and other benefits to nearly 700,000 current and former teachers, State Troopers, corrections officers, snowplow drivers, and other public employees who provide valuable service to all of Colorado. PERA is a vital and stable contributor to Colorado’s economy, distributing $4.56 billion in 2023 to more than 114,000 retirees who live in Colorado.