Don’t Lose Track of Your Future Benefits

Even though you’re no longer working for a Colorado PERA-covered employer, the money in your account continues to grow. In fact, even if you only worked at a PERA employer for a short time, your future retirement benefit can be extremely valuable to you since it’s a source of income for a time when you likely didn’t pay into Social Security.
Regardless of the size of your PERA account, it’s important to keep your information up to date. Consider how these PERA resources can help you:
Log on for a personalized experience.
One of the best things you can do is set up online access to your PERA account. Be sure your email address on file with PERA is correct so we can continue to communicate with you. And our new, free mobile app is available to download from the App Store (iOS) and Google Play Store (Android). The app makes it easy to manage your PERA account on the go.
Use an online calculator.
When you’re logged in to your account, you can calculate the amount of your monthly retirement benefit, which automatically uses your actual employment and salary history for the most accurate results.
Attend an informational webinar.
Even if retirement is still far away, consider attending a Benefit Information Webinar (live or on demand). It gives a broad overview of the benefits you’ll receive in retirement. These webinars are held several times each month and take less than an hour.
Stay connected online.
Connect online to PERA news and information by subscribing to our blog,, or following us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or YouTube.