Reminder: Changes to the Life Insurance Deduction Feedback File
Colorado PERA offers an optional decreasing-term life insurance program administered by Unum. Once enrolled, premiums for active PERA members are processed as employer payroll deductions and remitted to PERA via the contribution reporting process.
Prior to December 2023, our Plan Administrator, Unum, would email life insurance deduction feedback (start/stop/change) files to employers on a weekly basis. This notice from Unum authorized employers to make deduction changes on their next pay cycle.
Life insurance feedback files are available for download on a weekly basis via the PERA employer STARS system. These files are no longer emailed by Unum. Employers must log-in to STARS to download these reports.

Only authorized users (Super Users and users with the “Life Insurance Deduction File Download” role) will be able to access these reports. If you need to authorize a new user, or add this role to an existing user account, please contact your Employer Representative.
An automated email from is sent when new reports become available for download. Please ensure this email address is marked as a "safe sender" so that the emails are not mistakenly filtered to your "junk" or "spam" folder.
If you have questions regarding this change, or need assistance with the PERA Employer STARS portal and contribution reporting:
- Contact your Employer Representative
- Call the Employer Relations Team at 303-863-3724
- Email the Employer Relations Team at