Retirement Process Webinar Resources
Download the presentation:
Retirement Process Meeting PresentationSlide 1: Retirement Process Meeting
Slide 2: At the end of this webinar, you’ll be able to …
Slide 3: Preparing for Retirement
Slide 4: Retirement Benefit Estimate
- PERA Customer Service: 800-759-7372
Slide 5: Request Social Security Estimate
- Social Security Administration
- SSA Local Office Locator
- SSA contact number: 800-772-1213
Slide 6: Complete Service Credit Purchases
- Purchasing Service Credit
- Purchasing Service Credit booklet
- Purchasing Service Credit Application (downloadable pdf)
Slide 7: PERAPlus Plan Options
- PERAPlus Plan
- PERAPlus Account Login
- Empower contact number: 833-426-7372
Slide 8: Study Health and Life Insurance Options
- PERACare Landing Page
- PERACare Webinar for Pre-Medicare
- PERACare Webinar for Medicare
- Life Insurance
- Life Insurance Highlights
Slide 9: Discuss with Your Employer
Slide 10: Preparing for Retirement
Slide 11: PERA Benefit Payment
Slide 12: Applying for Retirement
Slide 13: Retirement Application Part 1
Slide 14: Retirement Application Terms
Slide 15: Retirement Application Part 2
Slide 16: Retirement Benefit Estimate
Slide 17: Option and Cobeneficiary Changes
Slide 18: Direct Deposit by EFT
Slide 19: Withholding Preference
Slide 20: PERACare Enrollment
- Pre-Medicare Plan Enrollment (downloadable pdf)
- Medicare Plan Enrollment (downloadable pdf)
- Combination Coverage Enrollment (downloadable pdf)
Slide 21: Retirement Paperwork
Slide 22: After Retirement
Slide 23: Annual Increase
Slide 24: Working After Retirement for a PERA Employer
Slide 25: Action Steps
- PERA Customer Service: 800-759-7372
- Ready to Retire
Slide 27: Survey