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Pre-Retirement Planning Workshop Resources

Download the presentationPre-Retirement Workshop Participant Guide

Workshop Description:

Stop worrying, start planning! This workshop will guide you through three key steps to help you retire with confidence. We will provide you with the tools and resources necessary to estimate your future retirement income, identify expenses, and address any gaps that might get in the way of reaching your retirement goals. Get ready to create a plan that will set you on the path to retire with everything you need!
If you are in or close to your late career years, this workshop has been specially designed with you in mind!

Pre-Retirement Planning Presentation

Slide 1: Pre-Retirement Planning Workshop

Slide 2: News Headlines

Slide 3: What Will Be Covered

Slide 4: Introductions

Slide 5: Parts of a Retirement Goal

Slide 6: Your Goal Form

  • Participant Guide - Goal Form

Slide 7: Meet Sophia

Slide 8: Sophia PRP Intro on Vimeo

Slide 9: Sophia’s Key Information

Slide 10: Sophia’s Current Expenses

Slide 11: Sophia’s Retirement Expenses

Slide 12: Sophia PRP Ending on Vimeo

Slide 13: PERA Income

Slide 14: Attend These Webinars

  • Benefit Information Webinar
  • Retirement Process Webinar

Slide 15: Maximize Your PERA Benefit

Slide 16: PERA on the Go (Mobile App)

Slide 17: PERA Account a

Slide 18: Social Security

Slide 19: Retirement Budgeting Worksheet

  • Fillable Budgeting Worksheet

Slide 20: Sophia’s Retirement Budget

Slide 21: Monthly Income Gap!

Slide 22: Three Paths

Slide 23: Path 1 - Work Longer

Slide 24: Path 2 - Use Savings as Income

Slide 25: Path 3 - Purchase Service Credit (PSC)

Slide 26: Apply Your Learning

Slide 27: Action Items

Slide 28: Workshop Survey

Additional Resources: